데이터베이스/PostgreSQL (1) 썸네일형 리스트형 (스크랩) ★★★ PostgreSQL 에서 '이스케이프 시퀀스' 조회 방법 text_date like '%\n%' 위 처럼 필터를 걸면 안 나오고 text_date like E'%\n%' 위 처럼 걸면 필터가 잘 먹힌다. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12101168/how-can-i-search-for-r-n-in-an-sql-select-like-statement How can i search for \r\n in an SQL SELECT LIKE statement? I'm working on a site for a client who did not properly sanitize some of their form data. In particular, they did not do anything to account for line-break.. 이전 1 다음